Efforts at sloganeering (mainline or guerrilla) waste time and money. In this age of transparency, authenticity is the only approach that works. So build a buzz about being an older industrial city willing to re-imagine itself by actually doing it.
Damn skippy!
Brewed Fresh Daily, and the blogs of so many in the BFD circle, have long been a part of an authentic, transparent, and passionate grassroots effort that continues to build buzz about Cleveland -- from the bottom up. The street-level events coverage, restaurant tips and reviews, and overall level of discourse -- political, cultural, and otherwise -- says a hell of a lot more about what's good and cool and truly interesting about Cleveland than any of the formalized, formulaic marketing campaigns I've witnessed in my 53 years in this town.
Does that mean there shouldn't also be mainstream campaigns? Of course not. But the real Cleveland emerges only in the aggregate of all of the various perspectives. No slogan will ever capture or communicate that emerging image.