Friday, March 28, 2008

Web 2.0 and the Evolution of Marketing

David Pogue's column in yesterday's New York Times (online) offers a concise explanation of why Web 2.0 tools are so important in a connected more transparent world.

We all know, intellectually, that no matter what image a corporation tries to project, it's made up of ordinary people with personalities, insecurities and lives. But because the marketing and P.R. teams work so hard to scrub, control and package a company's image, the public ordinarily sees none of that human side.

When a company embraces the possibilities of Web 2.0, though, it makes contact with its public in a more casual, less sanitized way that, as a result, is accepted with much less cynicism. Web 2.0 offers a direct, more trusted line of communications than anything that came before it.

Read the entire column: Are You Taking Advantage of Web 2.0? - New York Times