In a recent post about Twitter's inevitable infiltration into enterprise IT, RIA Developer's Journal blogger @strukoff hits on what has been my longstanding soapbox issue regarding the corporate use of social media:
In the meantime, read @strukoff's entire post:
SEO or SOA: Twittecdotes (Part II) | RIA Developer's Journal
Technorati Tags: socialmedia, blogging, twitter,

But as with blogs, Twitter is now part of the enterprise IT discussion as well. Sure, most corporations blog about as creatively and effectively as members of the National People's Congress or the NCAA. But don't blame the medium, blame those who use it ineffectively.My contribution to the Cleveland Social Media Club's upcoming eBook addresses this issue in depth.
In the meantime, read @strukoff's entire post:
SEO or SOA: Twittecdotes (Part II) | RIA Developer's Journal
Technorati Tags: socialmedia, blogging, twitter,